When you need to escape from those pesky handcuffs or you just want to disappear. Conjüre is the tool that every magician needs to survive, in this magical world. Whether it’s a simple trick or defeating the darkness of the world, Conjüre can do it all. With 6 simple tools you can do almost anything you want in this world or others. Each tool has it’s own use that can help you in any situation whether good or bad.
Gaff: This object naturally alters items to create a magical effect that cuts away the veil to this and other worlds.
Force: An illusion of free choice when in fact the decision is made by the universe on what will be opened and what will stay closed.
Vanish: A the act of making something disappear or someone. Perfect for setting one’s self free from this plain to another. Or escaping from the problems that bind you.
Escape: When you need an escape from all matter of things this is the tool for the job. Can be used to escape from handcuffs, cages, straitjackets,burning buildings, and other perils.
Daub: Used to stick things together permanently. This will also make sure that your rivals won’t be able to steal your famous tricks. But get themselves caught in one.
Cull: To secure certain magical bonds together in the act of mixing reality with certain unearthly substances. These items can be obtain from a variety of sources; such as Black Markets, an Apothecary, or Ebay.